Journal of Moravian History, continuing the Transactions of the Moravian Historical Society. Published by Moravian Archives and The Moravian Historical Society.
issue 7 | Fall 2009 | 128 pages | ISSN 1933 – 6632
* Felicity Jensz, ”Three Peculiarities of the Southern Australian Moravian Mission Field,” 7-30
* Mark Everingham and Edwin Taylor, ”Encounters of Moravian Missionaries with Miskitu Autonomy and Land Claims in Nicaragua, 1894 to 1936,” 31-57
* Paul Peucker, ”Zinzendorf’s Plan for a ’Complete History of the True Church of Christ,’” 59-82
* Peter Vogt, ”’Honor to the Side’: The Adoration of the Side Wound of Jesus in Eighteenth-Century Moravian Piety,” 83-106