Journal of Moravian History Vol 12 No 1 – 2012


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Journal of Moravian History. Published by Moravian Archives, The Moravian Historical Society and The Pennsylvania State University Press.
Volume 12|no. 1 | Spring 2012 | 109 pages | ISSN 1933-6632

* Katherine Carté Engel, “Moravians in the Eighteenth-century Atlantic World,” 1-19
* Amy C. Schutt, “Complex Connections: Communication, Mobility, and Relationships in Moravian Children’s Lives,” 20-46
* Craig D. Atwood, “‘The Hallensians are Pietists; aren’t you a Hallensian?’ Mühlenberg’s Conflict with the Moravians in America,” 47-92
* Jonathan Yonan, “The 1775 Correspondence of John Wesley and Francis Okely,” 93-103